savoring, the alchemist, and childhood elves

Episode 11, Tea Time, Behind the Curtain

-where I give you a behind the scenes peek at what is going on in my life and in my business-

This week on Tea Time Behind the Curtain it is rainy and stormy which has me asking introspecitve questions and musing on tree decorating, childhood memories and finding an old friend on the bookshelf.

What can you savor?

Where can you slow down and let a breath come in between the stages of your process, project or goal? Just the sake of appreciatingĀ  the moments of becoming.

Find an old friend on your bookshelf and appreciate the road you have taken since you last opened this particular book.

Re-read an old favorite and see it newly from where you are now. Or, what is on your bookshelf, bedside table, pile along side the couch, that you haven’t read yet? Start it now!

What nostalgic memories are bubbling up as this year closes?

Maybe holiday related, maybe not. But what is something about the ending of the year that touches that sweet tender spot inside?

**I talked about the wonderful work Kris Oster. Mythological, magical, and always inspiring. Hop over and check her out, she is always up to something unique and full of pleasure!**


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