because some days the world seems out to break your heart

It is okay to take a break and smell the air after it has rained.
It is fine to look closely at the wet ground knowing treasure lives there.
It is acceptable to stand in the misty damp with out shoes on.
It is all right to wish for the birds to sing just for you.
It is allowed to play in and savor a world that also makes you weep in pain and grief.

In fact, it is necessary, required, essential, practical and sacred homecoming to yourself; to feel the aliveness of the earth
rising to meet you exactly and fully where you are in just this excruciating moment.

This is the way of the devotional self, the practice of finding yourself in the larger flow of the world, the simplicity of belonging to the cosmos simply because you are here.

This is how we stay sane in a world that on too many days seems out to break our hearts.

the world is in conversation with us- always

This afternoon.

I pulled a card.

A Turning in the Journey.

After weeks of rain and storms, I perused the plants in our tiny garden. A preliminary check to see what is happening as Spring approaches. A plant I thought died last summer is coming back to life.

A Bleeding Heart.

I moved my altar to the space under the window. The place it has wanted to be since we moved here a year and half ago. I resisted this spot because often I try and control the way energy flows in my personal spaces when I feel out of control in other ways.

I laid on my bed watching the clouds out of my bedroom window. Dark grey, stormy clouds against white fluffy ones, against the blue sky. The setting sun, warm through the glass takes the chill off of the room. I wonder what is changing in me and for me as I feel the shift in seasons staring. The first blossoms are on the trees, daffodils are in full glory, the days are getting longer.

A turn in the journey, Bleeding Hearts, sacred space evolution, the seasonal wheel turning.

The world is in conversation with me. Elegant and simple, always happening, always speaking its language of symbol and metaphor. My heart understands even as my mind tries to reason and dissect, extrapolate and predict, trashing about assigning meanings that are forced and overly complected. Ever scrambling to pin down the Mystery.

The most essential part of being in communion with the world is realizing you already are. Follow the stream of what grabs your attention. A deck of cards, something peeking out of the soil, an empty space begging to filled, a bone deep desire to lay down and watch some clouds.

It requires a type of listening. With your body, your senses, your imagination, your non-linear self. It is a quality I attribute to the “sensuality of living”. The ebb and flow of life through and around us, touching our being in concrete and interdementional ways.

When your soul settles you know you have the message, whether or not it comes in words that make any sense at all.


Oracles are one of my favorite ways to listen to the conversation the world wants to have with us. So, if you want a little message of self love, Intuitive Love Notes are still available- until February 28.

i wait and gather pieces of the year wanting to be


This is one of those days I dream of in the heat of summer. Rainy and blustery outside, I have no where to go and I have a warm cup of tea beside me. I’m wearing cozy socks and have a deliciously soft alpaca scarf around my neck, the scarf I knit from yarn purchased on our trip to Montana last summer. I remember buying the yarn back in the heat of July imagining myself wrapped up in it during the cold of winter.

The past foreseeing the future now present.

It is comforting thinking of how my past self dreamed me here. It has me curious about what I am dreaming now for myself this year. I feel like the tree outside my window. Stripped bare by its natural cycle and the winter storms, its stark beauty and mystery revealed as its branches reach towards the grey sky. Nothing hidden under a regalia of lush summer green.

I take stock of who I am now. The successes and failures, the wishes, desires, fears and circumstances as they led me here and as they are now. Then I open deep with in, feel into the subtle energies of creative flow slowed by the season and need for rest yet no less potent. I listen with intention and gentleness for the whispers of muses still finding their way to me. I seek guidance in deep conversations with wise kindreds, journal as a form of written scrying, card gaze and chart dive following threads of illumination spoken in imaginal languages.

I wait and gather pieces of the year wanting to be.




~invitation monday~ august 17, 2015


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: find Wonder

There are the big moments of life
a birth
a stunning sunset
that evoke awe

Then there are the small
almost too ordinary moments
that if you let them
will take your breath

Wonder is the
state that takes us
out of the ordinary
and into magic

Find it.

Seek it out
as if it is
the answer to all
you crave

Because it is

Applying Wonder
will open worlds
you will be forever
you entered.


Today find Wonder. Tip: If you are present it will find You.

If you are looking for ways to find more of the wonder of life, I can help.


i want to get word naked with you

nsew2What would happen if I wrote my stories down?
And then let you read them.
Let you into the flow of my spirit, revealing what is only known in these places.

What would happen if I had the courage to be naked in front of you.
Could I stay standing knowing you are seeing the very most truth of me?

Because I want to get word naked with you.
Raw and messy.
Beautiful and jagged.

I want to sink into the ground that grows truth and then follow the light that leads out of the dark descent.

My bones have grown weary trying to project an illusion no one asked for.
A facade picked up as protection when I didn’t have the strength to be seen.
But that is not the life I want to continue to live.

I am greeted in this place by the witch at the crossroads asking,
“Which way do You choose?”

I sit in the mystery of this threshold, both new and ancient, having been here so many times before, yet newly now.
Wondering which way is best, which is safest, which is right.

Surprisingly I am not asking myself which I want.
My logic yet again trying to rein in my desire.

So today I place these words here, a step through the crossroads.
Choosing the path of the raw and messy, true words more freely shared, deeper love expressed.

Will you enter also?

(This is the terrain of Soul Devotion. If it calls to you, please be in touch. Want to hear me read this piece? just click below.)


~invitation monday~ july 13, 2015


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: seek Beauty

Right now.
Seek Beauty!

Be a relentlessly, crazed, singularly focused, Beauty hunter.
It is easy.

Close your eyes.
What is beautiful in your body?

Open your eyes.
What is beautiful in your sight right now?

There is something.
There is always something.

Be a treasure seeker of Beauty.

Do not stop until you are giddy on the ground.

Then seek some more.



~invitation monday~ 6-1-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: embrace the sensuality of living

your life is a voluptuous adventure
your body the convergence point of the world and your experience of her

take the sensual journey of being
life unfolding around and through you

live the ever expanding voyage of consciousness
through allowing it seep into your flesh
and be
made real and true
