finding your heroine goddess

There are days when you feel, at best, a minor character in the story of your life. Circumstances beyond your control take over and push you to the sidelines where you watch and wait and pray for better times.

There are days when you are sure you are the villain. Doing, thinking, being, every single way that is wrong and hurtful.

You are scared. Cowardly. Mean. Deceptive.


And yet,

You are never, can never, be anything but the Heroine Goddess of your life.

While there will be events and trickster alter egos that mess with your assumptions of how it is suppose the be, you are always the strongest force in your life.

Your adventure in this world can never be overtaken. This is essential truth.

Your heart creates your life rhythm. It sparks the fire that casts warmth into the corners of your doubts and light into your hidden darkness.

Time dances in your favor, bringing you partner upon partner from a world of ultimate possibilities.

Your desires and dreams ever conspire to see in what way you will take your rightful place on the throne of your own becoming. The glorious, only for you, place of honor in the temple that is your life.

Here is the obvious truth only hidden when you assume you have been banished from your temple:

What you long for will bring you Home. It will guide you precisely where you most want to be, bringing you intimately present in all that is.

Here you will find Bliss.

Heroine Goddess,

Crave your life.


Then let yourself dive ever deeper into fullness until you can no longer be contained and must burst forth into new form.

It is an illusion that you are sidelined, a lie that you are villainous in your life.

Remember your temple. Take your throne. Glory in the miracle of your radiance.

Find yourself here.
