~invitation monday~july 27, 2015


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: look in the mirror and be Seduced by your own eyes

How long do you hold your own gaze?
If you are not rapturously in love with yourself,
not long enough

You want magic in your life?
Fall in love with with the eyes that stare back at you
from the mirror

Those eyes,
those amazing eyes
hold the secret of You

Get lost in the labyrinth of
beauty held in the depth of your gaze
it will lead you to the center of your Soul where all secrets are revealed

Allow complete Seduction
of the most powerful being in all of time
by the gaze of love coming back from your own reflected self

This is for the brave
the courageous
the one who wants only to know the Truth of her Nature.



Just a few days left to get Oracle Alchemy , my own blend of intuitive insight, poetically expressed.
Crafted for you alone.
Bite sized.
Like the perfect artisan chocolate.

(It is also Pay What You Choose. Say Yes, will you?)


~invitation monday~ june 29, 2015

invitation_light_a_candle-2(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: light a candle and whisper your Wishes

risk intimacy with your desire
call out your heart with the breath of a lover
into the flame

let the fire take your wishes
into the land of the unseens
where they can find their way back to you

a gift of form from the realm of dreams



Are you ready for more wishes and unseen magic in your world?

Consider Soul Devotion.

6 months of your desires, your creativity, your essential nature.

A deep dive mystery school of you.

~invitation monday~ 6-1-15


(Monday is Moon Day. What are the tides of your week calling you to?)

An Invitation: embrace the sensuality of living

your life is a voluptuous adventure
your body the convergence point of the world and your experience of her

take the sensual journey of being
life unfolding around and through you

live the ever expanding voyage of consciousness
through allowing it seep into your flesh
and be
made real and true


human design- intro pricing ending march 31

humandesign_yourdivineenergyYou know you are unique, right?

No one just like you.
You have gifts and wonderful quirks.
Ways of moving through the wold that sometimes feel as natural as breathing, and other times as if you are swimming up the strongest river.

We live in a world that is always pulling us away from our core spiritual truth, our own elemental and wise nature. This is when life is a slog, an endless fight against the current, you have that sinking feeling you are not moving anywhere close to your dream.

Oh, but then there are those times where life flows! You are sailing and shining and feel in sync with the universe.

Human Design, my newest service offering, helps you find your way to more time in your organic and natural flow and less time struggling against the tide.

It shows you ways to access the innate wisdom and rightness of your energy and how your energy wants to play in the world. It is validating, illuminating, mystical and very practical.

Human Design is an energetic blueprint of your divinely designed life.

In a reading you will learn how you engage with the energies of the world, how best to make choices and decisions you will never have to second guess, and how to embrace what is truly your beautiful way of being in a world. A blend of Astrology, the I Ching, the Chakra system, and the Kabbalah with modern science, Human Design is truly an esoteric system for modern times.

My clients are finding more acceptance for themselves, so much more permission to express what they feel called to, so much less trying to fit into endless templates of “how I should be” and way, way more time enjoying who they ARE- already and perfectly!

Introductory pricing for this service is ending March 31. So now is a great time to arrange a session. (Intro pricing is $75 and full price as of April 1 will be $150)

If the idea of exploring your design, your energy, your wonderfully unique flow and wisdom sounds fun, if the timing feels right, please connect with me here or email me at sandi@lusciouslife.com.

You are a divine creature. Full of beauty, genius and deep desires. Human Design is one of the most elegant and clear ways to show this to you.

a quiet, inward pace


I have a quiet, inward pace
The world inside unfolding in the between places
The pauses
The rest at the end of the day
The cup of tea and stillness

The voice of this place is a whisper just beyond hearing
Of longings, desires, of worlds calling to be discovered
Of revealed truths and ancient rememberings.

I worry about visibility, showing up, being heard
I doubt a strength so counter what I have been told

A lie we all must face

Yet I know my most powerful presence blossoms from reflection and space
The whisper
The pause
The resting
The space between the in breath and the out

I can be silent for a very long time
But do not mistake this for disappearing
Do not mistake this for loss of being

I forget this and then remember
Gazing at flowers in the window that speak the sacred language of beauty
And infinite belonging
Feeling the pulse of my heart beat
My private affirmation of living
And everyday miracle

Here I am immersed in worlds of knowing, far, far beyond any words I can find.

I am

I am

I am

Forever in the becoming and always here.
Slowing to the pace of my subtle whispering worlds


Words of Soul Devotion. You and me, in a whole new way. Revealed soon.

savoring, the alchemist, and childhood elves

Episode 11, Tea Time, Behind the Curtain

-where I give you a behind the scenes peek at what is going on in my life and in my business-

This week on Tea Time Behind the Curtain it is rainy and stormy which has me asking introspecitve questions and musing on tree decorating, childhood memories and finding an old friend on the bookshelf.

What can you savor?

Where can you slow down and let a breath come in between the stages of your process, project or goal? Just the sake of appreciatingĀ  the moments of becoming.

Find an old friend on your bookshelf and appreciate the road you have taken since you last opened this particular book.

Re-read an old favorite and see it newly from where you are now. Or, what is on your bookshelf, bedside table, pile along side the couch, that you haven’t read yet? Start it now!

What nostalgic memories are bubbling up as this year closes?

Maybe holiday related, maybe not. But what is something about the ending of the year that touches that sweet tender spot inside?

**I talked about the wonderful work Kris Oster. Mythological, magical, and always inspiring. Hop over and check her out, she is always up to something unique and full of pleasure!**


the way through life paradox

Episode 10, Tea Time Behind the Curtain


In this week’s Tea Time video a talk about how to hold the tension of the beauty and wonder of the holiday season with the hardship of the world.
The contrast is striking, particularly as the mythology of the culture is for everything to be sparkle and light. And when it isn’t? If can be even harder to find solid ground to sink into.

I have been thinking and feeling a lot lately about how to hold the paradox of living in both an amazingly beautiful world and a disturbingly troubled world.

How do I, do we, keep ourselves present and open hearted in the face of overwhelming pain and injustice and suffering? I wish I had a brilliant answer. What I do have are my tiny rituals and practices that return me to myself when I start getting overwhelmed by the world.

I make a cup of tea. It allows me a time out to get my breath back.

I bake. It returns me to the essential and life affirming energy of nourishing myself and those I love.

I knit. The repetition soothes my nervous system so I can respond rather than react.

I observe the every present beauty of nature. This brings me present and reminds me that the natural world knows how to deal with strife and hardship.

Once I have returned to myself, then I can find my courage to respond rather than react.

I can truly hear what is wanting to be understood. I can hold the paradox of pain and beauty. Wonder and struggle. Brutality and compassion. I can summon my courage instead my hurt and pain.

I wish I had better answers. But until I do I will continue to use the wonder of the world to lead forward, even as I allow the pain of the world a place in my heart. When I can honor both, then I can then be the force of healing and growth.