what it means is up to you

seeing truth

(This is the 5th post in my series “being seen at 50″)


Want a personal growth workshop for free?

Take pictures of yourself everyday.

Look at what you see.


Simple but not easy.


Truth looks back at you yet is selective in what it reveals.

 What is means is up to you.



What are seeing in your world Beautiful One? What is the meaning of your truth?

(Want to read the rest of the series? It is all here.)

I would love to hear from you and, if you have been following, you know opening my comments is an issue right now. So if you want to share anything  go here or e-mail me at sandi@lusciouslife.com.



(This is the 4th post in my series “being seen at 50″)

Things are blurry. I am blurry. The substance of what I have known is up for revision.

This is good.

And it is disorienting.

The face I face in the mirror is changing.

I haven’t yet chosen how to be with that.

I default to the culture that screams- be afraid, very afraid.

I default to the message of my work in the world- you are a luscious being of beauty in this form right now.

I feel something more emerging from the blur that does not yet have focus.

The face I face in the mirror is changing, and along with it as much of me as I will allow.

Adventure is present just in the looking.



How are you looking, Beautiful? I am hearing very juicy stuff from those traveling this journey of self seeing with me.

(Want to read the rest of the series? It is all here.)

I would love to hear from you and, if you have been following, you know opening my comments is an issue right now. So if you want to share anything  go here or e-mail me at sandi@lusciouslife.com. 





meeting myself in the editor


(part 3 of my series “being seen at 50“)

There is a dance of emergence that happens as the artist engages in both the making and allowing of the art to come forth.

For me the dance right now is “being seen at 50” and the dance floor is my photo editor. I push and pull my image, playing with filters and color balance and all sorts of things I don’t really understand until something happens. I see something I wasn’t expecting, something that feels true.

In that moment I meet myself. Newly.

Today I see the bare face, the dark circles, some farrows and gray hair, my tired and worn energy. All that we are suppose to hide from the world. All I often do hide from the world.

But here right now, I feel compelled to highlight what often gets covered. I pull the blotchinesss out, darken the tones so I can sit with my somberness, my weariness.

And I see my resolve.

I see truth. This truth of me wanting to be seen. Life is beginning to show on this face and body of mine in a way that is creating character. I may no longer longer be able to mask lack of sleep with more caffeine, but I am also no longer prone to apologizing for my intensity.

Sometimes we want to see our prettiness, but what our Soul longs for is our rawness.

These portrait meetings of myself are rich and already initiating quiet upheaval of my inner relationship to me.

And I am making it public. And that is scary.

And liberating.

And raw.

Will you meet your rawness today?

It is there, just under the surface or beneath what you feel you want to cover.

Meet it and see the energy it holds.

editing dance complete
editing dance complete

(parts 1 and 2 of this series are here)

I would love to hear from you and I want to open comments on this, but it is proving to be a complicated thing. So if you want to share anything with me go here or e-mail me at sandi@lusciouslife.com.

not pretting it up

 in morning light

(part 2 of a month long series being seen at 50)

No surprise to anyone who puts themselves out in the world, and that would be all of us, being seen is vulnerable stuff.

I noticed my default thought this morning as I was taking pictures was to “pretty myself up” for the camera. Especially since the post yesterday is my most read ever!

People are watching- Oh My God, I have to look good!

Now there is not a thing in the world wrong with prettying up, showing the world your best face. In fact prettying ourselves can be so much fun and deep self expression! It is Aphrodite at play!

But it is the assumption that our “best face” is always the carefully created one, the powdered and shadowed and glossed one. That we need to “put on our face.” The one that hides the life being lived now.

This is the face of the life I am living now and right now I deem it my best face. It comforts because it is mine.

Sometimes our best face is the private and bare one, showing the truth brought by morning sun and lack of sleep.

Being seen at 50- it is casting magic already.

What is the truth your face is telling?

Thank you for coming on the ride. Let me know how you are seeing you.

(I would love to hear from you and I want to open comments on this, but it is proving to be a complicated thing. So if you want to share anything with me go here or e-mail me at sandi@lusciouslife.com.)

For other posts in this series click here.


being seen at 50

CIMG5820-resizeThis self portrait marks the beginning of a 30 day series: being seen at 50.

The inspiration came from a 3am epiphany last night. I was doing my usual insomnia blah, blah, blah about what wasn’t working in my life. Suddenly I popped out of feeling sorry for myself and saw so clearly how much negative cultural baggage about female aging had seeped into my thinking since turning 50. Any amount is too much of course, but I became crystal clear that the tone and harshness buzzing in the background of my inner conversation is recent and something I want to stop.


Granting this judgmental conversation space in my psyche, how ever faint it may seem and how ever much I don’t “really” believe it, makes me invisible to myself. It becomes the infection that erodes the foundation of my sense of self, my power, and sacred connection and creativity.

It does the same to you when you entertain the limits the culture sets for how you should be, look, and have.

This is mean and dangerous to the core of our inner truth.

So I got the inspiration for “being seen at 50.” Part art project, part self declaration, part truth telling, where I will see myself though posting self portraits, and see myself being seen as other see the portraits. I will post, if not each day at least several times a week for the next month. I know, I know, the world does not need yet another “selfie” gallery, but I am doing it anyway!

Because, on wiser thought that is EXACTLY what the world needs!

Women owning our age, our looks, our being, our space, our visibility! The world needs to see us and we need to see each other. As we are. In our life, being with it all when it is not all shiny and when it is all shiny. Revolution happens in embracing being seen, especially, and if only, by ourselves. At 50, at 62, at 37, at all of our ages.

It is a bit embarrassing letting you see this piece of my shadow, but no shadow can exist in the light. So for the next month my humble little red point and shoot camera be the light that lets me be seen by me and by you, in this new way.

I am not sure of how it all will unfold. I want this project to have its own organic flow. What I do know is I will each post will picture most likely with some words, maybe many. But maybe no words sometimes. Beyond that, my intention is to stay open, curious, and be seen. All 50 years of me.

Will you join me in your own way? Take self portraits, greet yourself in the mirror with kindness, leave your creative mark someplace new where you can see it. It matters less what you do than that you allow yourself to deeply see YOU. To stop looking for how ever long you can for the culturally dictated facade of you you may think you need.

If you want to join me, let me know. Send me a message, I’d love to hear from you.

We are evolving creatures of beauty. We deserve to be seen by ourselves as such.