

(This is the 4th post in my series “being seen at 50″)

Things are blurry. I am blurry. The substance of what I have known is up for revision.

This is good.

And it is disorienting.

The face I face in the mirror is changing.

I haven’t yet chosen how to be with that.

I default to the culture that screams- be afraid, very afraid.

I default to the message of my work in the world- you are a luscious being of beauty in this form right now.

I feel something more emerging from the blur that does not yet have focus.

The face I face in the mirror is changing, and along with it as much of me as I will allow.

Adventure is present just in the looking.



How are you looking, Beautiful? I am hearing very juicy stuff from those traveling this journey of self seeing with me.

(Want to read the rest of the series? It is all here.)

I would love to hear from you and, if you have been following, you know opening my comments is an issue right now. So if you want to share anything  go here or e-mail me at